Does anybody know if we have to supply titles to our final 10 images?

Monday, 28 June 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Gaffwood and Bright photog tours
Hi blogs n togs
A few of us have been having a chat about the next Photog outing. Saturday July 24th was suggested for this day out and at the moment 3 of us can make it on this day.Can you all let Eric or myself know if this day is convenient for you all. Destination still to be decided but we will go with the majority decision if everybody is ok with that.
Usual requirements,beer money,marmite soldiers,a sense of humour and a decent camera,Nikon's may be considered!....lmao
A few of us have been having a chat about the next Photog outing. Saturday July 24th was suggested for this day out and at the moment 3 of us can make it on this day.Can you all let Eric or myself know if this day is convenient for you all. Destination still to be decided but we will go with the majority decision if everybody is ok with that.
Usual requirements,beer money,marmite soldiers,a sense of humour and a decent camera,Nikon's may be considered!....lmao
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Saturday Meal
Hi Bloggy Togs
I'm up for the meal hope everybody else can make it. The thai sounds a little expensive but i'll go with the flow
As an alternative there's the Spread Eagle at Rollston, a nice pub with good food. It has grounds outside with tables and chairs in a nice setting,great on a summers night and the forecast looks good for next weekend
Checkout the menu below. Good prices a lot of meals under £10. It has a good reputation for good food
We all need to tel Eric asap because we will need to book in advance
Happy Snappin!!!!!!!!
I'm up for the meal hope everybody else can make it. The thai sounds a little expensive but i'll go with the flow
As an alternative there's the Spread Eagle at Rollston, a nice pub with good food. It has grounds outside with tables and chairs in a nice setting,great on a summers night and the forecast looks good for next weekend
Checkout the menu below. Good prices a lot of meals under £10. It has a good reputation for good food
We all need to tel Eric asap because we will need to book in advance
Happy Snappin!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Blog 27 Resouces,tutorials,video's,web pages,inspiration and tips
Resources, tutorials, inspiration etc (under construction)
Shown on these pages are some of the resources I have used for tuition and inspiration to expand my knowledge of my subjects while studying this course.
I have used various sources of research, including books, web pages, videos, and gaining inspiration from practical days out to museums and exhibitions
Shown below are some of these resources
Webpage and Video's
The screen grab below shows a photography website, "Photo Answers" a resouce which I regurlarly use and visit which shows a vast amount of photography articles, video's, tips and tuition. I have taken some extracts from this website shown below which shows a video of how to produce a low key portrait,which is my first subject I'm studying on this course. The video shows how to direct the light source onto the desired area of the subject.
I tried to emulate some of the lighting effects contained in this within this video and found it to be very educational
Click on the link below to view the video
Low key lighting is perhaps my favorite style of studio lighting. There’s just something about the mood and drama that is created when you have a dark background with the subject standing out against it. I hope to combine this lighting with some creative and dramatic posing to achieve some good results
The extract above was taken from a website called subline which which gives some tips and basic tuition on lighting setups for low key portraits. Click on the ling below to view the site
These websites have given me some really good tips on producing my own low key photography. I was inspired by reading these sites and analysing images and tutorials contained in their pages
This link below takes you to the website of the National Portrait Gallery website in London. The gallery hosts a range of exhibitions from photographers of around the world. My classmates and I visited this gallery to view the exhibition of Ervin Penn the famous portrait photographer
Please visit my blog titled
Website for motion blur inspiration
This website below shows some really great motion blur shots. I was particulaly inspired by the photography on this site and have tried to emulate some of the styles contained within. Click on the link below to view the website which includes a vast amount of quality photography.
Shown below are some images taken from various websites which have inspired my photography. I have included some of my own images which show some comparisons of these images.
The above photo of Motion blur was taken from the website above. I was inspired by the photography on this site. Shown below are some of my images on similar themes taken from this site
My Images
Above are some of my images taken taken on a day out to the coast in wales
I spent a lot of the day just produceing motion blur shots. The image from the webpage gave me a source of inspiration which encouraged me to produce these images using slow shutter speeds
Website image
This shot above was obviously taken with a long exposure to produce the couloured light trails. There seemed to be an abundance of light sources which has also added to the overall ambiance of the shot
My Image
Using long exposures of 15-20 seconds allowed me to produce this night shot of a street near Big Ben in London. I tried various exposures of different lengths before I was happy with the end result
Website Image
My image
Again another one of my night shots from a visit to London. I used my camera low down in the gutter to produce this effect using a long exposure of about 10 seconds
One of my favourite images. I would like to try and emulate this kind of shot when I get more time in the studio
Another website for motion blur
Another motion blur website
Shown below are some of the books I have read and have been inspired by which have hepled me to produce my photography on this course
Friday, 4 June 2010
2nd Subject Motion blur conclusion after shoot N04
Motion Blur
My second subject I have chosen for this course is motion blur. This is a subject that I am particularly interested in which I find very interesteing
Again, I have found this to be another challenging subject,one that I think has tested my ability and creativity.
This subject is not just about clicking a shutter on a camera you really do have to think about a lot of variables to produce the end result
The main issue associated with this type of photography is shutter speeds and recording movement and motion in your frame as the movement occurs.To do this you really need to photograph your subject with a slow shutter speed. This speed can vary dependent on how much movement you want to show or emphasize in the image
The majority of my images were recorded with shutter speeds ranging from 1/30th of a sec to 1or 2 seconds
Shown below are some of my test shots taken through the course. The shots below were taken one day in April when we organised a day trip to the coast in wales, a place called Newquay.
I asked my model to pose on a beach and to produce some movement. The shots were taken early in the afternoon and the weather was a very warn sunny day. The lighting conditions were far to bright,this created burn out in some of my shots. To remedy this condition I asked a class collegeue to use a reflector to shade and deflect some of the light on my models face to even up the light balance and to reduce the intensity from the sun
The reflector I use is white on one side and black on the other. This is an ideal tool to produce fill in light using the white side and reduce/shade areas using the black side.
Shown here are my colleagues with my reflector in use

The shots below are just some examples of what I was trying to achieve on the day out to the coast
I used an F stop of F22 as I was experimenting keeping the whole shot in focus. I used a shutter speed of 1/30th to record some movement in the frame . I was shooting at 100 ISO
Shown here is a screen grab taken from the software Bridge. It shows some of my test shots and exif/meta data of the particular shots taken on the day out to the coast
This shot below shows another practice shot on the same day of using a slow shutter speed, in this case I used a lot slower shutter speed of 1/8 of a sec. This caused more motion blur in the shot which creates a nice froffy effect of the wave. I use my camera on a tripod to achieve the desired effect. Holding the camera with this slow shutter speed would have blurred the image completely.
I used my canon 400d and my canon 2.8 17mm-55mm wide angle zoom lens for this shot. The rocks were quite large but there arn't any objects in the photo to compare and show the actual scale and height of the rocks. I used my Velbon tripod for this shot,this is essentual when using slow shutter speeds otherwise the shot would be blurred.
Shown below are some test shots which I have included in this screen grab. The shots were taken by myself at a friends house where our class converted the conservatory into a studio. I set up the college studio flash heads/lighting which I leased from the college. I used 2 flash heads both 500watt to illumminate my subect but I didnt't use the flash of the lighting as this would have frozen the motion and not given me any slow blurr in the shot. Instead I used the modeling lights of the flash heads and turned up the light intensity to N08 to provide me with enought lighting to illuminate my subject.
There was additional lighting overhead shinng through a roof window which really helped to light my subject
I used a Canon 400d and a Canon 2.8 lens for this experiment.
I used my Velbon triopd for some of the shots. I also used my "Hahnel" radio remote shutter release devices to fire the camera shutter remotely. This enabled me to move freely around my model and help to set up the shots instead of standing behind the camera.
I asked my model to create some movement swinging her head from side to side while I selected different shutter speeds
Using a faster shutter speed would have frozen the motion ok but would not have recorded any motion blur. The shutter speed needs to be slow to enable the motion to be recorded in one frame over a slow period of time.
Ths shot below highlighted in blue in the Bridge software shows my exif data used to record the shot. I used a slowish shutter speed of 1/15th of a sec
Shown here below are some of my classmates setting up our temp studio in our friends conservatory. Shown in the shot is the lighting system,flash heads and reflectors loned from college that I used for some of my photography while on this course
Our model being photographed by one of my class mates
Shown below are my final 10 images that I have chosen for this subject (Not complete)

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