Start of new Level 3 C and G course
Started new modules on C and C photog course today at Burton College. I was introduced to blogger a web based blogging software that we will be using for the duration of this course course. I hope to produce two portfolios of images using studio photography.
The first subject I have chosen is low key portraits, I have never attempted portraits or any kind of studio photography before so this will be a really good learning curve
Shown opposite are some ramdom images that I have found on the internet. Looking at these kind of images gives me inspiration to produce similar kind of work of my own

I hope to produce similar kinds of results to the images shown here but know I will have to work a lot on gaining the right kind of lighting to produce the mood and ambience of the images

The first subject I have chosen is low key portraits, I have never attempted portraits or any kind of studio photography before so this will be a really good learning curve
Shown opposite are some ramdom images that I have found on the internet. Looking at these kind of images gives me inspiration to produce similar kind of work of my own

I hope to produce similar kinds of results to the images shown here but know I will have to work a lot on gaining the right kind of lighting to produce the mood and ambience of the images
Hi Steve here, the best way really is arrange a shoot as a practise and then we can compare your lighting to the photographers you have researched.
ReplyDeleteThe best way to learn is to do and then reflect on it with this blog.