Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Image logs,test shots and contact sheets

A collection of my test shots,image logs and contact sheets

(still under consruction)

First test shoot in the college studio

Shown below are some of my very first test shots when using the college studio. These show my model  (Niece Hannah) posing for the same shot but were taken with different F stops. They demonstrate how much more light is added to an image by increasing the F stop

     Large Aperture                                                     Small Aperture
               F4                             F5.6                          F8                             F11                          F16

Practice and test shots fromLondon

Shown here are some of the portraits I have taken while studying the college courses. These shots were all taken outdoors in London at various times of the day. I waited for certain lighting conditions to achieve the correct exposure but I was pleased with th overall results

I always like to blur my backgrounds which make the subject stand out more from it's background. I used an Fstop of F4 for all 3 of these portraits. I took numerous shots of all 3 street performers but these proved to be the best of the bunch with near correct lighting

This shot was taken in very bright sunlight in the middle of the day on a very sunny afternoon. I manipulated the image in Photoshop to darken the whole shot using the adjustments tool where I adjusted the brightness and contrast, highlights and shadows then used the filter>shapen>unsharp mask to sharpen the whole image

Shown here is a screen grab which shows how I added the final shapening to the image before saved

Another of my favourite images taken in Trafalgar square
Again taken at F4 125th sec 100 ISO. Using a large aperture like f4 on a 70-200 mm zoom lens always gaurantees me a nice blurred background


Motion Blur Test shots

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