Sunday 1 August 2010

Hi Togs

Well we've finally done it!booked a dirty weekend down in London. Eric wants to show me his 5d. He said something about 70-200 mm,some kind of attachment on it,he said.

Anyway we're going down for a tog trip for 3 days in August. Your all welcome to join us even if you want to come down just for a day. I can't post the dates on line for obvious reasons but text  either of us if you want to come along or find out details and dates.

A great chance to get some really good tog shots for your competitions and exhibitions

Ec and I should be going along to Barton Marina this Thurs for the BPS tog night, come on down for a beer and a natter, we could even pull in some photography! Anybody need a lift give us a shout!


  1. Hola! I'll come and see you on Thurs night for a beer...maybe vino pour moi. I'm off to Paris this avo til Thurs morn. Probably blow my entire summer budget on this trip so can't afford London too. As much as 72hours with you pair to myself is a real lure ;) See you Thurs, ps if I'm not there text and remind me ;) xxx

  2. Ce'r magnifique

    Ooh La La

    Text u Thurs

    Bon Voyage!!
