Monday, 5 April 2010

Blog 40 I hate easter eggs,they make me sick! ate to many :-(((

Need some advice from Mr Steve or the Burton Bloggers.

On this course can I do one module on Studio and one module on Location or do I have to do 2 modules on studio or two modules on location? Can we mix the two? 

Perhaps need to change direction for my second subject on the course
I have chosen studio Phototography (low key images) for my 1st subject which is nearly complete
This module is shown below:

7511-37 Level 3 Certificate in Studio Photography and Image Printing (130 GLH)

Unit 306 Studio photography (70)

Unit 310 Photo image printing (60)

I would like to know if I can choose the qual below as my second subject which is location photography which I prefer or do, or do I have to complete my second subject in studio photography

7511-38 Level 3 Certificate in Location Photography and Image Printing (130 GLH)

Unit 307 Location photography (70)

Unit 310 Photo image printing (60)
Got me surf board and marmite soldiers ready for Saturday looking forward to Lamb and mint sauce in them their hills. Yippee!!


  1. Ermm...we are doing either 306 & 211 or 307 and 211 (Photo presentation) are we?! Image printing means we have to do all techy print stuff... I ask this last time and Mr Steve said...erm No. Both studio or both location..buuuuuuuttt I've you take the kit and set in up somewhere you can count that as a 'mobile' studio provide you are controlling the lighting conditions of the location you are in.

    That make any sense?


  2. Ohh poo! I was hoping you wasn't going to say that,hmmmmm back to the drawing board! Thanks for the info Q hope you had lots of eggs, c u soon x

  3. Yes, that's what I was thinking, Becca. But you can be more creative about your studio, which could be anywhere where you are controlling the lighting. Ruth is using mainly natural light for her flowers. Clay Enos has a great web site, also shooting in clubs and bars.

  4. It's either or I'm afraid, but as long as you are controlling the setup and lighting, which ever, should suit. You can use reflecters and lights outdoors if you wish to control the lighting. as long as your reasearch and image match, that is the problem I am having for my 2 subjects.
    I am having trouble putting my 2 subjects together with portrait and product, and matching that to reasearch. Is it advertising or still life?

  5. Cheers guys, going back to pottery for ex photographers:-((((((((
