Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Joys of Photoshop

I would just like to comment on what an excellent piece of software Photoshop actually is. Love it or hate it,it's here to stay. Just about every photograph or image you see in neswpapers and magazines nowadays has been manipulated in Photoshop in someway or another.

I use Photoshop CS3,I've heard CS4 is ok but CS5 will be releaesed any day now.To me it's another tool for the photographer. We must not forget that earlier generations made similar image manipulations in the the darkroom,dodging and burning,double exposures,colour tints etc. It's no different today but we have the modern day darkroom on our computers without chemicals and it's so much easier

Iv'e included these images below just to show what can be achieved by using just a few basic tools in Photoshop. The image  which I have named "the last pilot" was taken in the middle of Trafalgar Square in London on a very sunny winter afternoon. The sunshine was so bright I didn't really expect to record any decent images.

I saw a little potential in the image but it was extremely light,so I decided to darken the image using some basic tools which were: Brightness,contrast,shadow and highlight, all found under the tool drop down menu under adjustments


Shown above are some screen shots of some of the various tools that I use when using Photoshop.I have shown that by using some simple tools such as Brightness,contrast,shadow and highlight some really atmospheric manipulations can be achieved


  1. Hi,
    more screen grabs and written work to explain what you did to achieve a great image,
    Also criteria labels from the paperwork you were given, thanks,


  2. Hi
    Just to say apart from the criteria you are meeting with this work you have produced an outstanding image here . This is a certainty for the exhibition and will be a show stopper.

