Sunday 4 July 2010

The Museums (Research and inspiration)

London Museums (Under construction)

While visiting London on a photography trip day out, I wanted to visit some of the famous museums in and around the capital.l have visited these museums many times and know that they are a great source for ideas and inspiration for artists and photographers alike.

London is so vast with so many museums, shown on these pages are just some of the mueums that I visited on the day.

I headed for the Natural History Museum where I intended taking some motion blur shots because I knew there would be lots of people milling around with creates lots of movement.

I have included some of my images taken on the day to suppliment my course work

The Natural History Museum

These images were taken inside the National history museum a great place for inspiration and ideas. I found this the ideal location to try out some motion blur shots for experimetation for my course work.

My second subject on this course is motion blur so I tried some different shots with long exposures

Using my camera fixed on a tripod I wanted to use the natural light of the museum whch would reflect some of the natural charm and ambience of the building. I din't need an high ISO as my camera was mounted on a tripod and I wanted to keep the ISO as low as possible for clarity purposes.I didnt want to use a flash as this would have frozen my subjects and not created any motion blur,this would also have killed the lighting abience of the building. These were only experimental shots but have contributed to developing my skills and knowledge to produce this type of photography for my subjects

Link to the museum site

The British Museum

I was inspired by this museum where I found a lot of inspiration which influened me to think about the different elements of photography these included: Lines,shapes,form,patterns,shadows,light and coposition. Shown below are some of my images from the day. I changed the first image to mono to vary my end results which I think has quite a pleasing effect

Link to the museum site

Royal Victoria and Albert Museum

This is a wonderful museum to visit and I would definitely recommend it to any photographer or artist visiting the capital. You could spend a whole day in this museum,it is crammed full ofdifferent art,treasures photography and fashion
There were numerous artists on the day sketching away,copying different sculptures and statues. There is a whole floor dedicated to photography.......................................................... not finished

Shown below is a page from the V and A museum website which shows part of the museums photography gallery. This is a part of the museum that I visited for reserch and inspiration. It lists some of the famous photographers whose work is on display in the museum

Link to the Museum site

This link below shows the photography gallery part of the mueum dedicated to this art

Underground Stations

Other places I found of interest for motion blur shots were underground stations.Shown here are some of my colleagues Suzy and Pip as we waited for trains on the London underground

They hadn't a clue they were being used as models. Using a slow shutter speed of 1/30 of a sec allowed me to blur the backgroud because people were actually in motion as they walked by. My two colleagues were practically stationary allowing the forground to stay in focus because there was little movement.


London Streets

Shown below are some more images from our day out in London. I was particularly interested with creating some long timed exposures especially at night time. I wanted to create images which would show motion blur. Shown again in my images are some of the elements that make up photography,these included: colour,reflections,motion,lines form and texture.

1 comment:

  1. hi Steve
    I think the motion blur in pic of me and Suzy is Eric running around looking for his Oyster card!
